Exhibition & Book Launch, Singapore

wine and cheese, books and paintings, 
splashes of colors of Cambodia in Viridian Art House.
effort and time, friends and guests,
known and unknown
warm each others heart.

unique event in Singapore 
Colors of Cambodia. 
we talk and share,
energy of love 
we radiate.

annual fund raising,
project for Cambodian children,
for Colors of Cambodia.
we raised 
awareness of giving.

living in 20th century, 
full of comfort zones, houses and cars,
learning in great school environments, air con, computers, 
travel fantastic transportation, 
quick and fast,

what a great life,
what cool materialism we enjoy.
I never had chance to learn about poverty,
until i travelled to Cambodia.

never i can forget, 
children walking bare foot,
miles and miles.
images staying in mind, he and she with such small bodies,
cycling, playing.

I am grateful,
all i have and receive, 
all the people coming into my life,
bringing me lessons 
to learn
and to change.

Big Thank you to every one who made this event a great success!

Love, Pei Yeou Bradley (aka Honey Khor)
21 Oct 2013
guests are admiring the paintings.

All about Colors of Cambodia

Bill Gentry and Janice Fung, both kind hearted people.

Yes, cheers on great help and great supports.

Three Beautiful souls 

and, team of Colors of Cambodia!!! 

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