Joy and Peace to All,
Joy, Peace, Happiness, is all creations of the mind. They don’t depend on outward conditions. They depend on INNER conditions. It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy, joyful and peaceful or otherwise. They are what you think about them. (Dale Carnegie)
This 2nd Charity Art Auction and Exhibition is held to raise much needed funds to benefit 2 worthy causes i.e. Kinrara Metta Buddhist Society Building Fund and Colors of Cambodia. Both these organizations are harbingers of Joy, Peace and Happiness.
All beings are interconnected. There is none who come here on their own. In this journey of LIFE let us sow seeds of happiness, joy and peace to others far and near, seen or unseen, friendly or unfriendly.
In GIVING we RECEIVE. How so? We receive inner peace and happiness which leads us to a healthy mind and body. In giving and sharing we receive gratitude and blessings. In giving we receive many happy smiles and pure rejoicing of countless mind and hearts. In giving we receive large doses of Positive Energy directed towards you in unseen waves. And the list goes on………
With folded palms and joyful heart I thank each and every one for giving with joy and peace.
Sis Paruadi Ramasamy
Kinrara Metta Buddhist Society
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