1st Charity Art Auction & Exhibition, Dec 2008

My special thanks to all who have make this exhibition a great success. I cant't express enough of my thankfulness and appreciation through words to all for being so supportive.

I fell in love with Siem Reap on my first trip last year (2007). It is here in this ancient artistic city that i ran into kind and loving founder of " Colors of Cambodia", an art gallery that provides help to Cambodian children. I was deeply moved by what Mr Bill Gentry had done there.

Things that leave me the deep impressions other than the heart rending bare foot school children in the poor country side. Thinking back and comparing to the children in our cities, I cannot help but wanting to create  an opportunity for our children to get a close up with "poverty". After the charity show in Singapore i discussed with Bill and Cindy (my pottery teacher) about organising a "children for children" fund raising show for Cambodian students.

The aims is to allow our  children, while learning to paint, to learn to help needy children via artistic channel. Hopefully through the thoughtful and patient guidance of the parents, the seed of "sharing" will grow in their young hearts and our children will gradually  head toward the path of showing care to others.

I hope the children's voice will be heard through their paintings. And i hope that "sparks of love" will emerge in every person. No matter how small our contribution is, at least we have done something for the society. The lovely memories and satisfaction gained can be regards as the joys and happiness in this life. At the same time, I hope that the children growing up in the hardship will slowly but surely head to other levels in their lives, knowing how to make the best for themselves out of the ordinary life.

Honey Khor

Items for sale

Great help from Cindy, Maggie and Janey. 
Clay works from teachers and students from Clay Expression
hmmm...delicious foods

Big thank you to everyone who made this art show a great success. 
Art works from Mr Bill Gentry, Cambodian teachers and Honey Khor
Auction being done
Great support for Colors of Cambodia
Loving kindness spread from Malaysia to Cambodia 
A big big thank you for your attendance, bringing love, joy and peace to everyone
Auction again....
Special performance from Janey Teng and her students.
Opening Ceremony, Honey Khor 
Mr Bill Gentry, Founder of Colors of Cambodia

Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Maha Thera, Cheif High Priest (Judiciary) of Malaysia 

Art Work from Liz
Art Works from Mia Farizza
admiring Art works from Mr Bill Gentry
About Cambodia children
Beautiful clay works
May all blessing be yours and your family...May all of us radiate love, joy & peace to the world, May all being be well and happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Honey,
我知道谁是Honey Khor 了。
这education 路不易走。